Memorial Day is an important day where we remember those who have sacrificed for our country and our freedom.
On this day we should pay particular attention to honoring and remembering our deceased and wounded soldiers. This is the day where we show our appreciation particularly to those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for us.
Ways to show our respect and gratitude on Memorial Day:
Fly the U.S. Flag at half-mast until noon.
You can fly the POW/MIA Flag as well.
At 3:00 p.m. please be silent. Pause and think about the meaning of the day. If possible, attend a "National Moment of Remembrance": at 3 p.m, which will observe this silence and will be followed by Taps being played. If you don't know where one will be held, check your newspaper or call any veterans group or organization in your area or the Mayor's office. (It is such an incredible and deeply moving experience, so if you have never done this, please make this the year to attend).
Place flags and/or flowers on the graves of soldiers. Bring some extras if you can. (Please use care when using flags--place the flag SECURELY in the location selected, remembering that the U.S Flag should NEVER touch the ground.
Thank any veterans you know (or see) for their service, especially any disabled veterans, as well as show your appreciation to any bereaved families of veterans (this is a good thing to do no matter what day of the year it is).
Wear a red poppy flower on this day to honor those who have died serving our nation. You can usually purchase them from your local veterans organization.
Donate to your favorite Veterans organization/charity.
Watch a movie or documentary honoring our fallen soldiers and all who have served with your family. Click here to view some suggestions and viewable documentaries on my Soldiers and Patriots page.
NOTE: I would like to personally thank our current and fallen law enforcement officers, whom I refer to gratefully as our "Every Day Soldiers" (because they risk their lives every day) to help keep our communities safe. Please click here to read my poem about these brave man and women, and consider including them on your gratitude list this Memorial Day.