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2nd Amendment Gun News

ALERT: Anti-Gun Bogus Research Ad Campaign Coming to MN

Anti-Gun Senators & UN Gun Ban

Gun-Ban Consequences

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Gun Facts

I will be working on this section as I get time, but in the meantime, here is a great list of facts from



Facts about Guns



The sad truth is that the vast and overwhelming majority of the “facts” used in the current gun control debate are almost completely untrue. And if not untrue, then at least twisted to the point where they are no longer accurate. In an attempt to comb through the MASSIVE body of work that TTAG has done in the past three years and tease out some of the more relevant articles for the more common misconceptions about guns, I’ve tried to make this page a simple and usable reference to quickly look up the info and pull up an article to refute the BS. I’ll lay out the more common gun control talking points, and give you some links that lay out the truth… about guns.

General Information

Armed Teachers and School Staff

“Armor Piercing” AKA Hollow Point Bullets

Assault Weapons and Assault Weapon Bans

Concealed Carry Permit Holders

Defensive Gun Use versus Murder Rate

Facts About the AR-15 Rifle

Firearms and Children

Firearms and Suicides

Guns Save Lives

 Gun Show Loophole

“High Capacity” Magazines

Mandatory Firearms Insurance


Origin and Context of the Second Amendment

Universal Background Checks