Law Enforcement Officers - Our Every Day Soldiers - Our Every Day Heroes

I wrote this poem in 2010 in honor of our law enforcement officers, with heartfelt gratitude for their service to our communities.

Everyday Soldiers

Who do you call when you hear shots in the night
or someone has broken into your home and you’re filled with fright?

The stranger who would risk their life so for yours they’d save
Who in your town are the bravest of the brave?

Who sees scenes of suffering no soul could ever bear
Don’t think for a minute that they don’t care

They do their job. They keep their feelings inside.
Maybe never finding another they can trust to confide…

Who will go out into the bitter cold to help someone they do not know
Or a burning building or other place that no one else would ever go?

Don’t think for a minute they don’t cry
as they hold the hand of the helpless as they die.

They are the ones who must break the news to the mom or dad
that their child will not be coming home—what could be more sad?

Who is the first to the scene of a gruesome accident or homicide?
Who picks up the parts along the train tracks from a teen girl’s suicide?

Who will perform CPR as the blood flows out the ears
of a young life that can’t be saved--they will remember it for years.

Risking their lives every day to keep us safe, near and far
We have so much to thank the men and women with the badge or star

Much more than ticket-givers at the traffic stops
It’s time to re-think the image you may have when you think of cops

These everyday soldiers have my respect and should yours too
We owe tremendous thanks to our heroes who serve in brown and blue.

©2010-2016 Chris Kellett, Brainerd, MN