More Jobs. Less Government.
Where we Stood: Compare positions on important issues between my opponent and myself.
Click here to see our MN Family Institute Survey answers.
Click here for news article comparing candidates.
Click here to read endorsement letters for Chris
(For questions or more information on these points or others, please feel welcome to contact me!)
Where I stand:
- Promoting Sustainable Small Business Job Growth (through Tax Cuts & Incentives, Streamlining Regulations and Removing Redundancies). – Yes.
- Reducing Government Spending. – Yes.
- Supporting Individual Freedom. – Yes.
- Upholding our U.S. Constitution. – Yes.
- Fiscal Responsibility. – Yes.
- Supporting Gun, Sportsman and Property Owner Rights. – Yes. (I received the highest scores a new candidate can receive with both NRA and GOCRA).
- Gratefully Supporting our Veterans, Soldiers, and Emergency Services Personnel. – Yes.
- Supporting Quality Education and Equitable Funding for our Children. – Yes.
- Relief for Seniors. – Yes.
- Tax Incentives to Encourage Organic Farming in MN. – Yes.
- Pro-life – Yes, (100% score with MCCL).
- Enforcing Tough Minimum Mandatory Sentences for Domestic Violence and other Violent Offenders – Yes.
- Imploring Congress to Stop Imposing Federal Mandates on the State of Minnesota which are Directly in Violation of the Constitution of the United States. – Yes.
- I believe the Marriage Amendment is Best Decided by the People of Minnesota and Therefore Support it Being on the Ballot. I will be Voting Yes.