Endosement Letters for Chris

Vote Kellett

Posted: October 25, 2012 - 10:53am

Many voices support for the right to bear arms. Chris Kellett lives it.

Chris has actively supported Minnesota permit to carry and numerous area firearms safety programs.

She has spoken on the radio and to groups, including my classes, about our second amendment right.

I’ve witnessed her relentless dedication firsthand.

Tom Lund




Kellett is honest

Posted: October 30, 2012 - 9:24pm

In a recent public forum Rep. John Ward apparently denied voting for a $2 billion “loan” from our education system (K-12). His vote on May 17, 2010 is part of a 250 page bill during ‘special session.’ Also troubling, is his apparent ‘no’ vote to payback those education funds in the 2012 session.

Isn’t it time for an honest leader who wouldn’t take from schools to cover irresponsible spending sprees?

Vote Chris Kellett.

Paul Misener



Supports Kellett

Posted: October 30, 2012 - 9:17pm

I own a small local sign company. I quoted campaign signs for several local candidates. To my knowledge, all but Chris Kellett purchased from an online price crusher. She chose to have fewer signs in order to keep her money in this economy. Chris gets it. I believe her ideas will help turn our economy around and help save many of our struggling small businesses.

Please elect Chris Kellett.

Stacy L. Hill




Endorses Kellett

I have known Chris Kellett through a number of organizations, including Kiwanis. I can tell you Chris has more than demonstrated her sincere commitment and passion to serving our community over many years. This is a lady who is intelligent and truly cares about others and works hard at everything she sets her heart to. Chris Kellett is someone I am proud to endorse and ask that you will join me in electing her as our state representative on Nov. 6.

Gene L. Goedker

Goedker Appraisal Service



Kellett Helps Veteran

Over a year ago I shared with Chris Kellett some details regarding an unresolved Veterans issue I have had for over 35 years.
Chris not only listened, but
knew just who could help me and insisted we not put it off any longer. She went with me to the Veteran’s office and sat with me through the meeting.
As a result, my issue was not only resolved, but I discovered I had benefits
coming to me that I would have never known about! Chris demonstrates her
respect and gratitude for our veterans, and I am forever grateful for her!

Kathy Nelson

Endorses Kellett

Posted: October 30, 2012 - 9:22pm

I heartily endorse Chris Kellett for Representative of District 10A. Chris has given me renewed hope for moderation in the Republican Party.

As a life-long Republican with recent reservations about the direction the party, I am happy to see Kellett’s genuine concerns for fiscal accountability, quality education, and individual responsibility.

Frank McLean

Pequot Lakes


Vote for Kellett

Posted: October 29, 2012 - 4:30pm

Vote for a rare find

Chris Kellett is one who lives service and puts others ahead of herself — something you rarely find in a political candidate.

It’s an honor to have her on the of Kids Against Hunger board.

She has also been inspirational to many at Teen Challenge.

Don’t miss this chance — vote Chris.

John Poston




Vote Kellett

Posted: October 30, 2012 - 9:15pm

I am a proud home schooling parent. It seems crazy we should have to address the fundamental rights of parents to make decisions in the best interest of our children, but unfortunately it’s a sad reality.

Chris Kellett supports my rights and will fight to protect them. She has my vote!

Theresa Billman

Breezy Point



Kellett is pro-life

Posted: October 29, 2012 - 4:17pm

Kellett pro-life

I know Chris Kellett and how much she values life. She scored 100 percent on MCCL’s survey and will fight for the rights of the unborn and for taxpayers who are forced to pay for abortions.

Chris Kellett is the best choice for anyone who shares these values.

Keri Heintzeman




Kellett for jobs

Posted: October 29, 2012 - 4:19pm

Kellett for Jobs

Chris Kellett is a longtime Brainerd resident and small business owner.   She understands the importance of promoting sustainable job growth through tax cuts and streamlined regulations.  Vote Chris Kellett on November 6th!

Jana Marek



Kellett Defends Rights

Posted: October 29, 2012 - 4:26pm

Chris Kellett will support and defend the rights of gun owners, sportsman and property owners. Her dedication, commitment and belief in the Second Amendment and the Constitution is inspirational. Please vote for Chris Kellett for State Representative in District 10A.

Daniel J. Swanson




Kellett for us

Posted: October 29, 2012 - 4:19pm

Commonsensical Kellett

The government grows and grows, spends and spends,and we are taxed and taxed.

All this equals less freedom, fewer jobs and more people on welfare taking money out rather than putting in.

Let’s stop this insanity now by voting in Chris Kellett for State Representative.

Tom Longanecker



 Vote for Kellett

Posted: October 29, 2012 - 4:28pm

Every so often we find a person running for public office that has no self-interest to promote. Chris Kellett is that kind of person. Her only goal is to serve the people of District 10A. I hope all of us will support Chris as our new State Representative.

Maria R. Swanson



I encourage everyone to vote for Chris Kellett Nov. 6.

Chris will be a strong voice in St. Paul for fiscal discipline and our constitutional rights in contrast to her opponent, who will continue to feed the government monster. Please vote Kellett

John M. Mattson



Vote Kellett

Posted: October 26, 2012 - 10:10pm

A good apple doesn’t fall far…

If you want a good, honest hardworking person to represent you, then vote for Chris Kellett.

Like her Grandpa Fred, she is serious and has the brains to deal with things logically.

Brian Ray



Kellett is Unique

Posted: October 25, 2012 - 4:43pm

Chris Kellett is unique when it comes to politicians. She truly does care, not only for those in her party, but for all of us in District 10A. It is time for a new State Representative for our area. I urge everyone to vote for Chris.

Tony Lukens



Choose Kellett

Economic growth – good jobs – quality education for children – these are CORE VALUES. As a longtime Nisswa resident and owner of a local educational services company, it’s disappointing when elected leaders don’t demonstrate those values or return calls. Thankfully, voters in District 10A can elect someone who does: Choose Chris Kellett.

Bob Campbell



Message From Former Kiwanis International President

Candidates demonstrating true commitment to Community Service impress me. Chris Kellett's leadership through Kiwanis as a Lt. Governor, Regional Membership Chair,and distinguished President establishes her leadership abilities. Leading volunteers demonstrates important leadership skills. Her Kiwanis involvement has helped prepare her to be an excellent candidate for State Representative.

Steve Siemens, CSP
2005-06 Kiwanis International President

Supports Kellett

Posted: October 26, 2012 - 10:14pm

I support Chris Kellet for state representative; we need business owners to teach economics to government instead of a teacher to school the public, and Kellet understands that “public” is people not wards of the state to be owned and controlled by government — isn’t that right Nokay Lake Township?

Vote Kellet.

James Erfurth



My Vote is Kellett

Printed: October 31, 2012

Many have asked who I was going to vote for as Minnesota State Representative, District 10A. 

My answer is Chris Kellett.

I have visited with Chris and am convinced she is worthy of the office and our trust.

Myron Landecker

Breezy Point


Vote for Kellett

Printed: October 30, 2012

I would like to endorse Chris Kellett for State Representative. She understands the importance of controlling spending and reducing taxes; thus she will help provide sound fiscal leadership for furture Minnesota economic growth.

Sally Ihne


 Other Comments

Ward comments

Posted: October 29, 2012 - 4:34pm

I have been reading about how much John Ward does for his constituents. Here is what I remember about John.

A few years ago his constituents voted against a proposal that would have cost them $23,000,000. John didn’t like the way that turned out so he wrote, carried, and voted for legislation taking away our right to vote on it should it ever come up again. Guess what? It came up the very next year,sailed througth without a referendum vote at a cost of $23 million to the taxpayers,

When I confronted him about it his reply was”even my wife doesn’t agree with what i do all the time”.

That’s what I remember about what John does to his constituents.

Don Thomas O’Brien




Not so 'Honorable'

Posted: October 25, 2012 - 4:20pm

Not-So-“Honorable” Behavior

As a former member of the Minnesota House of Representatives, I distinctly recall the official title for all House members being “Honorable Representative.” If you look up the word “honorable” in the dictionary, one of the synonyms for the word is “truthful.”

I was with Chris Kellett on October 17th when she received a phone call from one of her Baxter supporters who displays both “Vote Yes for Marriage” and “Vote Chris Kellett” signs in his yard. Kellett’s supporter explained to her that John Ward stopped by his house and commented on the signs, telling him that he (Ward) did not think Chris supported the marriage amendment and that Ward has been expressing this opinion to other people.

Unlike Ward, Chris DOES support the Marriage Amendment. This misrepresentation of the truth by John Ward is shameful.

I listened to Chris explain very clearly to this gentleman, as I have heard her explain many times, that she supports the amendment being on the ballot, and that she will be voting YES in November.

Fortunately, Chris’ supporter called her to get the truth before removing her sign from his yard. It makes me wonder just how many other good people in the area have fallen prey to this deceptive tactic from their elected “honorable” representative.

This is the kind of behavior from politicians that leaves a bad taste in our mouths and sets the wrong example of what being a representative is all about.

I am disappointed in you, Rep. Ward. When you resort to these types of tactics in a last-ditch attempt to get yourself re-elected, you take the ‘honor’ out of “honorable” and make those of us who serve(d) look bad.

Dale Walz

