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ALERT: Anti-Gun Bogus Research Ad Campaign Coming to MN

Anti-Gun Senators & UN Gun Ban

Gun-Ban Consequences

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Harvard: Millions of Dollars more for Gun Control

Harvard University’s School of Public Health is set to receive a $350 million donation to study “gun violence” and other “complex health threats challenging the U.S. and the world,” CNN reports.  The donation, the largest ever received by the university, is being made by the Morningside Foundation, run by the descendants of Hong Kong real estate tycoon T.H. Chan, for whom the school will be renamed.

Billionaire bankrolling of the anti-gun movement is perhaps the most significant new development in the gun control debate in our lifetime.  Last year, anti-gun activist Michael Bloomberg donated $350 million to Johns Hopkins University’s School of Public Health, already named for Bloomberg, based upon his previous donations.  Bloomberg, the Washington Post
reported, also “has committed to spending $50 million of his personal fortune this year to build a national grass-roots movement that will pressure lawmakers to pass more restrictive gun laws.”

In May, we
noted that the Democracy Alliance, backed by George Soros, is planning to funnel millions of dollars to a variety of groups that support gun control and other “progressive” causes.  According to an internal document (document pp. 54-55) prepared by the “alliance,” those anti-gun groups include the Brennan Center, the Center for American Progress, the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown operation, MediaMatters, Organizing for Action/, the Progressive Majority, and Third Way.

Also in May, the Washington Times
reported that anti-gun members of Congress aren’t satisfied with the millions of dollars that their ideological brethren are investing in the anti-gun cause.  They want gun owners to help pay for it as well.  Toward that end, Sen. Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) and Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) have introduced legislation proposing to spend $60 million of the taxpayers’ money to study gun violence (i.e., promote gun control) over the next few years. (MORE -->)

Bloomberg will be spending millions in Minnesota to try to push his anti-gun agenda. Please read the article below. John Lott's Crime Prevention Research Center feeds will be fed to this website via the news ticker on the right and also on all news pages. I will be posting as many stats as I can also. Please consider donating to this new and very important organization. His work will be very important this year!

Please read on:

Michael Bloomberg's anti-gun propaganda

Oct. 6, 2014

When former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s gun control groups release a report, they consistently garner massive, uncritical news coverage. Alas. With the huge number of factual mistakes in these reports, you would think that reporters would have grown wary of pushing their propaganda.

For example, Bloomberg’s Everytown, Mothers Demand Action, and Mayors Against Illegal guns have been caught padding the number of school shootings. While Everytown claimed 74 school shootings occurred between the Newtown, Connecticut shooting in December 2012 and June 2014, Politifact, which rated Everytown’s claim as “mostly false,” put the number of “incidents such as Sandy Hook or Columbine in which the shooter intended to commit mass murder” at 10. (Read more here-->)


Making up facts about guns

June 16, 2014

President Obama just can't seem to help himself. Over and over again, he makes exaggerated or false claims about guns and crime.

If Obama had a stronger case for gun control, he wouldn't have to make up so many facts and distort others.

Unfortunately, this past Tuesday Obama was at it again.(Click for more -->)


Bloomberg Plans a $50 Million Challenge to the NRA

Michael Bloomberg, Gun Control And Fabricated Numbers

No doubt, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg passionately believes in gun control. To his credit, he puts his own money — tens of millions of dollars, and possibly much more — into pushing the issue politically.

But Bloomberg's push hasn't been just political advertising, lobbying and media appearances. He also funds studies that have gone overboard in backing up his anti-gun beliefs.

To put it plainly, they have not only exaggerated their conclusions but have fabricated numbers. And these incorrect numbers have then been used to push for more regulations. (READ MORE-->>)

Bracing for a Tidal Wave of Bogus Anti Gun Research – Help Fight Back

Published on  

Only the Crime Prevention Research Center stands between you and millions of dollars in paid anti gun research propaganda.

Dream vs Reality

Bracing for a Tidal Wave of Bogus Anti Gun Research

From AmmoLand Gun News

Colorado - -( Michael Bloomberg, George Soros, Barack Obama, and numerous leftist foundations have begun “planting” academics in universities with the sole purpose to write “scholarly public health studies” that profess guns are dangerous to children, their owners and our country.

This should send a chill up your spine. Academics are now being paid to take aim at the 2nd Amendment and their willing counterparts in the media are waiting on pins and needles to broadcast their fantasy statistics and study conclusions.

Brace yourself! Hundreds of millions of dollars are being poured into this new venture. Soros and company are planning to rapid fire the release of these public health studies, along with new lawsuits and court challenges. The mainstream academic world will not come out and counter these studies through peer review. Fear and lies will be encapsulated in the“scientific studies”, the religion of the 21st century. Remember,, no one can speak against “science.”

Luckily, John Lott, well known scholar, author and 2nd Amendment champion, is awake and on to their new scheme. In order to shine the light of truth on what’s really going on in America and around the world, Dr. Lott has recently formed a new organization: Crime Prevention Research Center (

The sole purpose of Crime Prevention Research Center will be to release actual truthful statistical studies on gun ownership and gun use.

Additionally, he and the staff he trains will analyze the studies produced by the gun control academics and provide the Pro-Truth citizens, legislators, and media with information needed to counter the impact.

These so called “studies” by the anti-gunners will:

  • Attempt to convince Americans that they are actually too irresponsible to own and operate a gun.
  • Attempt to convince Americans that gun ownership will lead to the death of their loved ones through accidental shootings and suicides.
  • Attempt to convince Americans that you, the Pro-Truth gun owners, are dangerous

But distorting or misrepresenting statistics doesn’t change the truth. And restricting or discouraging gun ownership will actually lead to more deaths. John Lott at the Crime Prevention Research Center showed that scary conclusion. Disarming law-abiding Americans means people will become sitting ducks in their own homes, with people unable to defend their loved ones or themselves.

And gun owners – contrary to main stream media advice – should not unquestioningly store their guns locked and unloaded. That just defeats the whole purpose of being ready at a moment’s notice.

The media coverage is usually abysmal. Take a study that just came out in the journal Pediatrics. It received massive news coverage. ABC News alone saturated its news programs with the alleged danger of gun ownership, all the while putting children at risk. During just one day, it started with a segment on “Good Morning America,” then came a report on the evening news, and ended with an entire hour devoted to the subject on “20/20.”

They certainly made it sound scary:

“Looking at children and guns, the most recent statistics from 2009. And take a look tonight, they are eye opening. The new numbers are arresting. . . . . 7,391 children rushed to the hospital every year because of those gun injuries, so often accidents in the home. 453 of those children die at the hospital. . . .”

But contrary to the impression created by the news coverage these injuries are not young kids who accidentally fire their parents’ gun and hurt themselves. Indeed, the vast majority of these injuries are young adults, falsely classified as “children.”

Consider this reality:

  • 76 percent of these injuries were for 17, 18, and 19 year olds.
  • 62 percent were the result of criminal assaults.
  • The injury rate for these older black males was 13 times higher and for white males.

These deaths of older males from criminal assaults are tragic, no doubt. But they are largely a result of drug gang fights. And, yes, we need to better deal with the drug issue and gangs. But scaring law-abiding Americans into not owning guns won’t reduce this gang violence.

Gun Research Graph

Check out the dramatic spike in funded gun research.

As the graph above illustrates, funding from the likes of Bloomberg and Soros has lead to an explosion in biased, anti-gun research.

Unfortunately, the flood is just beginning.

  • In 2012, Mayor Michael Bloomberg donated $250 million to Johns Hopkins’ Bloomberg School of Public Health to hire 40 new professors whose major objective is research on gun violence.
  • Last year, the Obama Administration met with 23 large foundations to organize a