Thank you for visiting my personal resource site that I created for my reference and also just for fun. :) Please feel welcome to look around and bookmark any pages you may find useful and also check back for new pages that will be added. I try to update this as my time permits.
You will notice many various news feeds- I created customized pages that are feeds from numerous sources for quick reference. I find these pages to be a real time-saver! Yes, some feeds are a bit conservative--but so am I.
I also added a family section for my family. You are welcome to look around and check out the people who matter most to me. I still have a lot of updating to do in this section, however!
You are also welcome to browse around the pages of many of my favorite people in history (still being updated), videos, songs and other things.
If you have any suggetions or comments, I certainly appreciate them.
Thanks and God Bless,
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