More Important Than Winning
(Below is an editorial I wrote which was also printed in the Brainerd Dispatch 10-31-12*, written in response to accusations of telling "mistruths" when I have simply pointed out a FEW of my opponent's documented votes. (I did not appreciate my honestly pointing out documented FACTS as "mistruths."))
My grandparents, Fred and Mildred Kellett were both teachers in the area who did their best to set a positive example to their students both on and off the clock.
My grandfather Fred, who once kicked a star player off the team for smoking just before a championship basketball game (which they lost that year), taught that playing by the rules with integrity is more important than winning.
He also taught that a person should take ownership of their mistakes, tell the truth, and do not blame everyone else for them.
I am sadly disappointed that Rep. Ward does not hold himself to this standard.
In fact, I am shocked that:
2. Ward tried to win over and/or anger my supporters who had “Vote Yes for Marriage” signs by falsely trying to convince them I did not support the marriage amendment to keep marriage one man and one woman (Ward does NOT support this Amendment, but I DO). (Note: Until I recieved an angry phone call from one of my supporters Ward had talked to, threatening to pull my sign out of his yard because Ward told him I did not support the marriage amendment, I did not understand why I was seeing so many "Vote Yes for Marriage" and "Vote Ward" signs in the same yards!).
I am more concerned with the type of example Mr. Ward is setting as a teacher and as a representative of our district than I am about winning.
I would rather lose honestly than win dishonestly. And I have my grandparents, particularly my grandpa, Fred Kellett, whom I wish could be here with me right now, to thank for that.
Chris Kellett
*Note: Some revisions have been made to this letter for the purpose of clarity and readability. To view the actual letter printed in the Dispatch, please click here.