Chris Kellett Brainerd Minnesota MN Gal

Chris Kellett and granddaughter

Chris Kellett Candidate 2012 MN Brainerd Homecoming Parade

Chris Kellett political debate MN

Chris Kellett MN Gal family



My Decision



Dear Friends,
It has been a very difficult decision, but I have decided not to run for State Representative in this 2014 election.
As much as I would like to give my 2012 opponent a much-deserved retirement this election, I have an adorable three-year-old granddaughter whom I care for several days a week who needs me. Her next two years are critical for her development and I am sure you can understand why I have chosen to make her a priority.
In addition to my website business, I am very much enjoying teaching Permit to Carry Classes, and will be focusing on increasing other classes including courses for law enforcement, victim prevention training for women & seniors, safety courses for businesses as well as being a newly registered NRA Eddie Eagle Gun Safety Instructor for youth.
Please know I am not leaving politics. I will remain active and vocal in educating others about the ideals that made this country great as well as current issues that affect our freedom (see my new website which is just a start) to encourage more people to get involved in our government. I will be honored to speak at any relevant event or group and will also be active in supporting candidates I believe understand and support the Constitution and our values.
Even though family must come first, this is still one of the hardest letters I have had to write.
Thank you so much for your support in 2012. It means more to me than you could know. I hope you will consider supporting me should I decide to run for State Representative or other office in the future.
God Bless You!