Dr. Benjamin Carson

This is a page in process but below are a few of Dr. Carson's outstanding speeches that are a must-see in my opinion.


Fantastic and Important Speech Every True American Should Hear.

Western Conservative Summit 7/19/14.

I have been thinking and saying the same for years. Our time is running out. We have to pull together to save this country!!


MUST SEE: Obama destroyed by Dr. Benjamin Carson's Amazing Speech

( MUST WATCH to see Obama's face )

This is one of the best speeches of our day, and the one that put Dr. Carson on the map politically.

Please take a few moments to watch this...

Dr. Benjamin Carson

CPAC March 8, 2014

Dr. Benjamin Carson's Stirring Speech at CPAC 2013 - Complete Video 3/16/13



Dr. Ben Carson 

Disincentive for Americans to Work



Dr. Benjamin Carson (Full Interview) Sean Hannity Saving America - 2-15-13